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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Orangey Marmalade Cuppies

"The pictures are making me drool and I'm getting hungry," PGL said in one of our MSN conversations. Yes, they look really tempting (The Bakeanista is blowing her own trumpet again!), and the pictures did real justice to the cuppies I would say. They not only look good, but they taste fabulously delicious too! :)

The Orangey Marmalade are my favourite cuppies among the whole list of cuppies that I've baked so far. For this particular session, I baked double to ingredients because I wanted to give some to my friends. I decided to give it a try by putting the batter into a cake mould and see how it'll turn out to be. And my experiment turned out all good. It was as awesome as the cuppies. Yippie! *giggles*

My ex-college mate saw these Orangey Marmalade pictures on my personal blog, and guess what? She ordered a dozen of them from me. This is the first ever business I got and I'm so excited. I'm going to make sure she gets the best batch of Orangey Marmalade cuppies, made with passion and love. :)

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