I got all excited when I heard of the yummy Baker D. Chirico pop-up store located on Crossley Street, I very excitedly walked all the way to get myself some sweets.

I got a super delicious raspberry almond pie and a chocolate macaroon with pistachio custard. Although they are a tad bit expensive, priced at $6 and $5 respectively, I must say that...

I embraced every single bite I had. I loved it so much that after work the following day, my mouth started to itch, and I knew I had to go get my dose of addiction.
So, well you guessed it, I walked up to Baker D. Chirico again. Yes, I'm that bit crazy when it comes to sweets. :$
So, well you guessed it, I walked up to Baker D. Chirico again. Yes, I'm that bit crazy when it comes to sweets. :$
These yummylicious tarts are so *WHOOOOO*, I'm getting foodgasm. But sigh, I must admit they're actually quite expensive. :$ Especially for someone who still converts back to Ringgit.
Oh well, just another round to go before they pop-down. Geez, I can't believe I found this paradise only when they're about to close. Good thing in a way; at least I won't burn holes in my pocket no more.
i read about this place but didnt realise they dont open during wkends!! a pity they going to close down b4 i come..
Yah! They open only tues-fri one! But don't fret okay, although they close down this pop-up store liao right, they have another shop in st kilda. Imma go check it out during this easter break to see if they have the same yummeh stuff or if they just sell "lovely bread loaf" as I read lol.
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